Thursday, 9 June 2016

Magical Memories

So what happened?

We did it - New Guinness World Record
(David J Bentley Photography)
I guess you knew this already if you are on social media.

I have tried to write this blog several times but words can not describe the 5th June but I know I will never experience a race like that again.

Pre race was not what I expected.  I thought I'd be a quivering wreck but as my friends and family turned up I was just beaming with happiness.  The only near breakdown I had was 5 minutes to the off and I still had no pram or Archie as we had left him with friends while we warmed up and were struggling to get him back through the crowds.  Stood in the sub 1:20 section, the fast whippets started to question. "Aren't you suppose to have a pram and a baby?"

Finally the main man of the show arrived.  We laughed and joked on the start line, the gun sounded, the wheels turned, the screams from our support crew could be heard and I felt privileged to be there.

Archie was a top little dude with only a temporary cry going through Derby town but I was under strict instructions from dad not to stop.  We hit 6 miles and to be honest I don't know how we got there, it was going too quickly and I wanted to soak it all in.

I was comfortable, running faster than expected and feeling like nothing could stop us.  We had huge roars of support from friends and family along the route with #TEAMJAMES banners.  It was starting to heat up until we got under the tree canopy's of Elvaston Castle.

There was some sheer looks of disbelief from supporters seeing a woman with a buggy.  Funnily they seem to be more suprised that I was pushing a baby.  I'm sure I would have been more suprised seeing someone running with an empty pram and be slightly concerned that they had lost a baby!

The final 3 miles run down the river bank with a slight incline.  I knew we had it in the bag at this point but I didn't know by how much.  If we had got a puncture I swear I would have put the buggy on my back and ran with it into the IPro Stadium.

The final bend we turned into the IPro. All I can say is WOW the atmosphere was electric, everyone was willing us on.  Seeing the sheer joy and excitement in peoples eyes was so moving.  Mum this last 400 meters is for you.  I couldn't contain the smile, nor could my amazing team.  Witnesses Kevin Doyle and Andy Lockwood and camera man Owen James, all were whooping and shouting 'Come on.'

I saw the finish line and I hear "A new world record." It hit me we'd done it, unbelievable.

It wasn't until we were interviewed did I ask the time.  1.27.34 WHHHHAAAAATTTTT!

A memory to last a life time.  Still now when I think about it I well up, I am so happy on what we have achieved but what makes me happier is how genuinely happy everyone around us were.

While this was one of the best days of my life, sadly it was the worse day of other peoples lives.  A runner collapsed towards the end of the race and unfortunately lost their life in hospital.  My sincere thoughts go out to the runners friends and family, I am so saddened by your loss.

So again thank you to everyone for your continued support we have currently raised £3340 a superb amount for Macmillan and the Rotherham Hospice.  The fundraising page will stay open for a while.

So what next?  Any ideas feel free to let me know......

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Lets do this thing

The bags are packed, the buggy is pumped and raring to go and I'm watching 2 pigeons mating on our fence.  Owen's grinning like a Cheshire cat after his one liners 'It's a new cocktail sex on the fence', followed by 'I bet she's up the dove now'.

I feel a little odd, this time tomorrow it will be over but yet the outcome is a mystery.  Where has all the time gone from my first buggy run in January?

People say time is a great healer when you lose someone.  To be honest I don't want to heal. I use to fear grieving but I think it's a good thing.  To hurt means that someone really mattered to you, so I accept that my grief wont go away and nor do I want it too.  

Tomorrow is never promised, so I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone of you for being a part of this journey and I feel humbled about how fortunate I am that you are a part of my life.

Although I can not see you tomorrow mum I know you will be by my side. This is for you and for everyone who has their own story to tell about cancer.

For you and everyone who has a story to tell about cancer

Big cheers for the #TEAMJAMES crew tomorrow

Super big cheer for this little fella - Archie
1st to cross the line out of our team.

Lots of sponsorship's have come through today.
It's not too late if you want to donate!


This weeks training:

Who cares, lets do this thing!