Sunday, 28 February 2016

Distance running fuelled by a third of a Golden Syrup Bar!

The good thing about doing a race is that you can take it easier for the next couple of days.  My legs didn't feel too bad the next day although I always seem to suffer more 2 days after.  So Monday and Tuesday were easy days which I really liked not clock watching and just enjoying the running.

Wednesdays session was my tempo again down on the canal and I had a flyer, improving on my speed from the last session I did like this.  I'm still suffering a sore toe, it kind of feels broken but like most runners I'm not resting or icing it and just hoping it magically goes away.

Thursday was my 10 40 10 session.  I can really see a difference from when I started my training and I'm now able to run faster at a lower heart rate.  I had a health check this week and my resting heart rate is 33 bpm.

Friday was another easy day with a lovely 50 minute buggy run with my boy down on the Rotherham canal.  Seven miles of running with the Thule Glide, keeping my heart rate low I was suprised that I was running a fairly quick pace so I'm right were I need to be for the World Record.  Just a couple of comments from men walking 'Can I get in there love', 'Is that what you call multi tasking'. I often get some odd looks and a wry smile but I feel proud to do what I am doing and feel very fortunate to have this opportunity so I don't mind the looks.

I did my longest run in years on Saturday 18.25 miles on the transpennine trail running from Oxpring to Winscar Reservoir and back.  I wouldn't usually run this distance for half marathon training but before I decided to embark on this World Record attempt I entered the Milton Keynes 20 which is next week and I didn't want to pull out of the race.  Hence I need to know I could cover the distance before wading in with 10 miles to go.

Owen was in a panic that we had no gels or drinks for the run.  Good job Andy saved the day with one for us to share and we all had thirds of a golden syrup cereal bar!  It didn't seem to effect the run as we flew through the miles with the trees passing, blue sky's above and our baby boy snoozing away.  The great thing about running distance is the justified refueling which happens after.  So a well deserved trip to the Grill Pit to load up on more than a third of a golden syrup bar.

Owen, Andy and I at Winscar
Enjoying a 3 way cereal bar
Husband and Coach OJ

On Sunday we headed down to Derby to meet fellow Ramathon runners at the organised breakfast run.  The 6 miler was supported by a team of pink t shirt wearing Shelton Striders who were out in force pacing about 70 runners and offering treats along the way.  We had a Virgin Active pass after so we headed into the gym for some strength and conditioning followed by a sauna.  Five minutes in I was in the land of nod, waking up like a zombie with my spine painfully lodged into the wooden bench.

Owen and I are on the far right, Where's Wally?
So the training feels like it is paying off.  I do need to get more buggy running done especially at pace and I need to work on more strength and core work.  I am managing to fit the running training in but with Archie it's hard to have the time to do more without compromising the important time I want to spend with him.  He was 5 months old this week and the time seems to have gone in a blink so I need to treasure the special time that we have together.

Me and my 5 month old training partner
So to round up I had an enjoyable weeks training which looked like this:

Monday: 50 minute bike
Tuesday: 50 minute recovery run
Wednesday: 15, 10, 5 tempo
Thursday: 10, 40, 10 level 2 run, pilates
Friday: 7 mile buggy run
Saturday: Long run 18.25 miles
Sunday: 45 minute recovery run, strength & conditioning

Sunday, 21 February 2016

New wheels, canal canters and the racing snake

Monday - Yipppeee I've earned myself a rest day which is great as I am travelling to Burton Waters, Lincolnshire to meet up with my family.  Although it's just a 3 day trip it looks like I'm moving house.  How much stuff do you need for a baby it's insane.  I miss the days when I just throw a few things in a bag and I'm out the door in 10 minutes.

Burton Waters is lovely and as soon as I get there like a sad little runner I'm already trying to suss out where there is a nice long flat stretch for me to do my tempo run tomorrow.  After finding this beauty I'm not dreading my run so much.
Fossdyke into Lincoln
Tuesdays session was a tempo running into Lincoln City and back several times.  Wiping the sleet out my eyes I heard the dreaded sound of the Garmin beeping telling me my warm up was over and it was time to get down to business.  It was a run that seemed to never end, running hard for 50 minutes on your own required some mental toughness but I did it and hit the pace 'Jack Daniels' said I should be doing.  After telling Owen about how hard it was he said 'Why did you do tempo for 50 minutes?' 'You told me to!' 'No I said 40 that must have been nails'.  Oh well what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Wednesday's run was the same route in the rain but a 40 minute level 2 run, it's a pleasure to have a change of scenery.  Before I knew it the run was over and I often think what were you thinking of for all of that time.  I do think about the World Record attempt a lot when I'm running.  Will I achieve it? All the uncontrollable's start to run through my head.
What if Archie isn't happy and cries?
What if it's really windy?
What if I there is a problem with the pram?
Then I tell myself you can't control the uncontrollable's and what is out of your control is a waste of stress and unnecessary anxiety.
What I can control is the effort I put in my training and my mind by staying positive.

I have been running with the Bob Revolution buggy and it's great off road but it does feel heavy and bulky.  Owen and I have been doing our research on the best running buggies for racing and hands down the Thule Glide seems to come out top.
Jo Pavey a running mum that I have true admiration for uses this buggy so it must be good.  We contacted Thule to ask if they could support the World Record and why I was taking on the challenge.  I was overwhelmed and so excited when I walked through the door and there was the best gift ever waiting for me.
Thank you Thule and the Rotherham Journey Centre for your support.
The weather vane in the background makes me think of my mum
Thursday was back down to Rotherham canal to run 8 x 400's which gradually got faster throughout the session.  I was rewarded with a cool down trying out the new Thule Glide buggy as Owen brought Archie down as he was equally (if not more) excited about it than me.  Chuffin' hell what a difference. It's so responsive, which I need as Archie has been around corners on just 1 wheel before.  Its light weight and looks so more more comfortable for Archie, which I think he agrees with as again he slept the whole way.  By the way in the picture below he's not just grown an extra 10 inch. The suit he's in, while looking cool as it matches the buggy is about 3 months too big.

Friday was a nice recovery run as I am racing Snake Lane 10 in Pocklington on Sunday.  My first proper race back since giving birth in September. I have no idea what shape I'm in but a good tester regardless.

Saturday was a short 30 minute run with strides to get by legs prepped for tomorrows race, followed by a much needed sports massage from Owen.

Sunday. After working on trying to not get pre race anxiety which I often suffer with I managed to put the race out of my mind.  My mind has a little wobble when my nose started to drip like a tap on Saturday and I saw the weather.

A little breezy!
Owen reassured me that with running on heart rate rather than pace all I could do would be what my body allowed me to so therefore I was under no pressure.  I ran to heart rate and didn't look at my pace throughout the race, not knowing my time until I crossed the finish line.  It was extremely windy in places and more undulating than flat but the time flew by and I was over the moon with a new 10 mile PB of 1.04.25 and 4th lady overall.  Those nasty session's must be paying off, thank's Owen for being a hard core coach.

10 mile PB 1.04.25
4th Lady Prize

Summary of this weeks training:

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 15 warm up 50 Tempo 15 cool down
Wednesday: 10 warm up 40 level 2 10 cool down, Pilates
Thursday 8 x 400
Friday: Recovery 50 minutes, Pilates, squats & lunges
Saturday: 30 minute run with 10 strides
Sunday: 15 warm up, 10 mile race

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Love on the run

This weeks training has been nails but it could have also felt like a struggle after hitting heavy training last week.
Doing the Ramathon route on Sunday plus the classes wiped me out so it was a sigh of relief when I knew I could work some of the lactic acid out of my legs on my Monday bike session.
The easy days come and go pretty fast and I'm soon left falling to sleep dreading the pain of my speed session the next day.  For once the wind wasn't so bad but the session was.  Running it at 3k pace, after the first set I thought no more my legs hurt still from Sunday.  Just as I was on my jog recovery a bloke said 'You've slowed down love'.  Not that chuffed with the comment I replied 'Not for long' and burst off to start my second set of 200's.
There is a weather station on the side of the canal where I do my training.  For some reason I look at it every time I pass and think of my mum.  So she was with me on this session right until the bitter end.
As every runner knows you dread sessions like this and try to put them off.  When you are doing the session you are hating every minute.  Then when you finish you think it wasn't that bad I'd do that again!  Pretty much how I have felt after every marathon.
Wednesday's recovery run was a nice relief to be out on a crisp winters day with blue skies above but my legs were hurting me from yesterdays session.
Thursday was my tempo day which actually wasn't as bad as I expected.  Every man and his dog was out enjoying another great day so a couple of hurdles over little pooches kept my mind in gear.
Friday.  Why I thought it was a good idea to do my longest run in over a year off the back of a tempo I'm not sure but after 4 miles my legs were like lead.  I told Owen and he said 'They will loosen off'. After 12 miles and counting I was wondering when this loosening off effect would take place.
It was 0 degrees, we just avoided a slight hail shower but Archie slept most of the way and watched the trees pass by on the Trans Pennine Trail for the rest of it.  15 miles done, I John Wayne walked back to the car and tried to reassure myself that I can do this challenge #feelingbroken.
Saturday was going to be a 5k Ramathon paced race which is hosted by Blizard Physiotherapy but we felt I needed time for my sore legs to recover.  I can hear my mum saying 'All this running is bad for you, you wont be able to walk when you are my age'.  How about 37 mum?
Sunday I squeezed in a speed session as Monday will be a rest day as I am away with my sister, nephew and niece for a couple of days.  The session went well, we are true romantics with Owen out the door at 6.15 to get his run done followed by me, is this love on the run? Happy Valentines Day!
We had some more great press coverage this week in both the The Star and the Rotherham Advertiser.
It would be great to get this into some women's magazines #thisgirlcan

Summary of the weeks training:
Monday: 50 minute spin in recovery
Tuesday: 2 x 200, 1 x 400, 1 x 800 x 4 sets plus pilates lunges and squats
Wednesday: 50 minutes recovery run
Thursday: 1 x 15, 1 x 10, 1 x 5 tempo
Friday: Long run 15 miles included 6 x 2 miles buggy running
Saturday: Easy run with buggy
Sunday: 6 x 1k

15 miles on the TPT Chuffin' Freezing

Start of the 5K
Better sort the wheel traction out next time

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Whip cracking in wet and windy weather

So the training programme has begun.  Designed by my husband Owen James who knows his stuff as his profession is a Fitness Coach and Sports Massage Therapist which he has done for over 16 year
Rotherham Park Run 18.44

Regardless of the constant wind and rain this week, Owen has cracked the whip and made me get out and give every session 100%.  At the start of each session I can honestly say I am cursing him every step of the way.  When I'm on the home straight I am thankful that I've achieved it and I'm one step closer to achieving my goal.

Summary of this weeks training:

Monday: 50 spin in recovery
Tuesday: 6 x 4 mins, plus pilates
Wednesday: 50 minute run in recovery
Thursday: 4 x 200, 2 x 400, 1 x 800, 2 x 400, 4 x 200 plus pilates, squats & lunges
Friday: 50  minute run in recovery
Saturday: Concord Parkrun 19.17
Sunday: Long run with 1h15 at level 2 (recce of the Ramathon), Gym Session inc Core

The results from my training this week are better than I expected.  My speed sessions have been quicker than predicted at this stage and I was only 4 seconds slower than my Concord Parkrun PB.  It was a James 1, 2, 3 at the Parkrun with Archie crossing the line first pushed by Owen with mum trying to chase them down #TeamJames
We headed out early to Derby to recce the route of the Ramathon.  Archie looked happy to not be joining us on this blustery, cold run and spent the afternoon at his grandparents.
A great course to run without a buggy, I think I'll have my work cut out on the trail and river path sections but there is plenty of time to get some practice in and build up my confidence.

So the challenge hit the media this week with it going in the Derby Telegraph.  Going viral on social media and I also did an interview on Gem 106.  I'm also talking to a couple of companies to try and get sponsorship and support.

Thank you to all those who have sponsored me so far.  It's so heart warming to see a donation come in especially from the people you least expect.
13.1 miles here we come!
At IPRO ready to take in the sites
of Derby