Doing the Ramathon route on Sunday plus the classes wiped me out so it was a sigh of relief when I knew I could work some of the lactic acid out of my legs on my Monday bike session.
The easy days come and go pretty fast and I'm soon left falling to sleep dreading the pain of my speed session the next day. For once the wind wasn't so bad but the session was. Running it at 3k pace, after the first set I thought no more my legs hurt still from Sunday. Just as I was on my jog recovery a bloke said 'You've slowed down love'. Not that chuffed with the comment I replied 'Not for long' and burst off to start my second set of 200's.
There is a weather station on the side of the canal where I do my training. For some reason I look at it every time I pass and think of my mum. So she was with me on this session right until the bitter end.
As every runner knows you dread sessions like this and try to put them off. When you are doing the session you are hating every minute. Then when you finish you think it wasn't that bad I'd do that again! Pretty much how I have felt after every marathon.
Wednesday's recovery run was a nice relief to be out on a crisp winters day with blue skies above but my legs were hurting me from yesterdays session.
Thursday was my tempo day which actually wasn't as bad as I expected. Every man and his dog was out enjoying another great day so a couple of hurdles over little pooches kept my mind in gear.
Friday. Why I thought it was a good idea to do my longest run in over a year off the back of a tempo I'm not sure but after 4 miles my legs were like lead. I told Owen and he said 'They will loosen off'. After 12 miles and counting I was wondering when this loosening off effect would take place.
It was 0 degrees, we just avoided a slight hail shower but Archie slept most of the way and watched the trees pass by on the Trans Pennine Trail for the rest of it. 15 miles done, I John Wayne walked back to the car and tried to reassure myself that I can do this challenge #feelingbroken.
Saturday was going to be a 5k Ramathon paced race which is hosted by Blizard Physiotherapy but we felt I needed time for my sore legs to recover. I can hear my mum saying 'All this running is bad for you, you wont be able to walk when you are my age'. How about 37 mum?
Sunday I squeezed in a speed session as Monday will be a rest day as I am away with my sister, nephew and niece for a couple of days. The session went well, we are true romantics with Owen out the door at 6.15 to get his run done followed by me, is this love on the run? Happy Valentines Day!
We had some more great press coverage this week in both the The Star and the Rotherham Advertiser.
It would be great to get this into some women's magazines #thisgirlcan
Summary of the weeks training:
Monday: 50 minute spin in recovery
Tuesday: 2 x 200, 1 x 400, 1 x 800 x 4 sets plus pilates lunges and squats
Wednesday: 50 minutes recovery run
Thursday: 1 x 15, 1 x 10, 1 x 5 tempo
Friday: Long run 15 miles included 6 x 2 miles buggy running
Saturday: Easy run with buggy
Sunday: 6 x 1k
15 miles on the TPT Chuffin' Freezing |
Start of the 5K |
Better sort the wheel traction out next time |
Hi Lindsy, hope the training continues to go well and best of luck in your attempt. My wife's just planning for her running with our new arrival, and we were wondering what pram you're running with - or if you had any tips for prams to avoid?
ReplyDeleteHi Lindsy, hope the training continues to go well and best of luck in your attempt. My wife's just planning for her running with our new arrival, and we were wondering what pram you're running with - or if you had any tips for prams to avoid?